Link to Article:
Key Points:
- Practice makes perfect
- The assignments you’re given in school is probably not enough.
- You’re going to need to push yourself to code every single day
- Another thing to keep in mind is that people are different and some of them need more practice. So don’t compare yourself to others, because everyone learns at a different pace.
- Resources: LeetCode, FreeCodeCamp, Codecademy, Youtube Tutorials are my personal favorite!
- The more experience the better
- Work with people who have more experience than you.
- Ask for help from those people! They won’t perceive you as stupid. Instead, they will perceive you as highly motivated to learn.
- Give yourself time to do the necessary research
- Don’t worry about finishing the project on time
- Copying code you don’t understand is a BIG MISTAKE
- Accept that things will be confusing and you won’t understand it immediately. Programming is a field about learning and there is an endless amount to learn. Cut yourself some slack.
- No one expects you to know everything from the beginning and you don’t have to figure out everything alone.
- Take a break
- Being tired → frustration → worse thinking and concentration
- Don’t blame yourself for just being tired!
- Don’t copy solutions without understanding them
- Play with the code
- You won’t find solutions by staring at code.
- Test different implementations. Make mistakes and learn from them!